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August 29, 2012



I used to love vegetable chips when I lived in the U.K, I haven´t found any here so I´ve made several attempts of making some myself all of which have ended in the bin, I decided to blame it on my oven. Let me know if you figure it out.


Mrs. Grateful, I will keep you posted....maybe it is my oven too? I think I am going to lower the temp and bake them for longer..


i think you need to make the chips thinner and try coconut oil. maybe it's the duration of the heat with the olive oil. also it's possible there's too much oil on the chip. i think 45 min at 225F should be enough time. do you have a thermometer in the oven? i find that always seems to help.


Game on!

I am going to try your suggestions..... Coconut oil is so expensive here for some reason but I'll try less oil. Sadly, my oven is really lame....there is no thermometer and to set the temp it is a dial... I never really know the exact temp.


Making zucchini chips is easy and foolproof if you use a food dehydrator. Hot chili-lime zucchini chips and pickle flavored zucchini chips are great.

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